Renata Farah

Programme Director, EMEA

Cycling Citizen (and reporter) of the World!

Originally from Brazil, Renata lived in Argentina for 7 years and has recently moved from Australia to Europe to spearhead ICE in the EMEA region. Her background is in sports journalism and marketing, having travelled the world covering sports events. She speaks 4 languages, almost 5 (Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian and French). Her top favourite things are: Cycling, The Dolomites & Lake Garda in Italy and Rio de Janeiro – where she’s from.

Cycling has changed her life in many positive ways, starting from being part of a fantastic community of passionate people. For her, community is much more than belonging to something. It’s about doing something together that makes belonging, matter!

Renata stands for creating a life that you look back on thinking “WOW what an amazing journey”! And she follows the moto: Positivity creates possibilities!

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