Competitive edge with employee engagement

3 Oct, 2015

Monica Parker was guest key note speaker, courtesy of Corporate Partner Shape (formerly ISIS Group, at the recent Melbourne and Sydney Breakfasts with The Bunch. 70+ members connected over an early morning ride, followed by breakfast with Monica’s presentation – The Competitive Advantage of Engagement. Monica shared numerous insights on organisational engagement with the ‘intersection of people and space’ including:

  • businesses that gave their teams greater control, grew 4 times faster
  • loneliness is the ‘new smoking’, with isolation of workers a growing problem
  • ‘worshipping at the alter of over-work’ is a killer on all fronts – a key reason why 71% of workers are not engaged
  • 18% of dis-engaged employees actually seek to undermine their co-workers’ success
  • 1 in 3 workers is looking for another job and 1 in 4 intend to jump ship within a year
  • time for contemplation is fundamental to efficient operations and innovation in the workplace.

Monica Parker is founder of HATCH, TEDtalks presenter, Huffington Post blogger and an international workplace authority.


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